Social Media

Marketing & Branding

The team at JFP has spent years developing methods to identify and reach your perfect “Avatar”. What’s an Avatar, you ask? Your Avatar is your ideal target customer. Finding that person and getting through to that person is not a simple task. JFP achieves laser focused approaches to reach your Avatar using their age, gender, geographic area, food and drink preferences, sports affiliations, behaviors and, especially, musical affinity. And remember, your Avatar will change depending and the type of music each event, so one-size definitely does not fit all!

  • JFP will Admin and grow the presence of your FB page and your Instagram account. We utilize targeted ads that draw users to your page. Once there, we engage them. We schmooze them. And we’ll bring them through your door—again and again!
  • JFP will implement a cohesive marketing strategy that creates a brand for your venue and your stage. This results in TOMA (Top Of Mind Awareness)!
  • JFP will use its many assets to make your event a success! We have almost 6000 fans and followers, mostly in NY/NJ/PA Tri-State Area. We’re associated with 200+ FB Pages and Groups. Every event booked with JFP immediately gets shared with 100,000+ people in the NJ/NY/PA region.

Content Management

Once JFP’s marketing and branding lead to ticket sales, a flood of questions follow. It starts with extra info needed about the venue and the ticketing structure. Then it goes to when does the show start and can I bring my dog? Good and silly questions are generally answered in the marketing, but the inquiries still come and they must be answered expediently. These days inquiries can come by email, a post response, by Messenger or from the FB Event and how quickly you respond is measured by FB and reported to all users. JFP prides itself on fast response time that will enhance your reputation and earn you your customers’ appreciation.